Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SG-SST)

Pre-assessment Audit, Design and Technical Support to Implement, Standardize and Startup the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SG-SST)

At Muñoz Abogados we offer you pre-assessment audit, design and technical support to implement, standardize and startup the occupational health and safety management system (SG-SST), so that you can comply with what's required by law, in particular with the ministry of labor's Decree 1072 of 2015 and Resolution 1111 of 2017.
  • Verify the current state of the company's SG-SST and specify advancements (Initial pre-assessment audit according to resolution 1111's standards)
  • Structure a plan of action regarding the audit's results and findings.
  • Establish, with the company's System administrators from its internal workforce, guidelines to implement the SG-SST.
  • Guide the company's managers in the design of the SG-SST. Defining policies, and objectives with their corresponding indicators.
  • Guide all activities towards drafting the neccesary paperwork for of the SG-SST (Risk matrix, and high-risk work protocols if applicable).
  • Define the legal risk matrix.
  • Create and implement the PVE necessary in each place, according to results from the risk matrix and occupational report.
  • Provide technical support to members in charge of managing the System and implementing the program.
  • Perform training activities and promote socialization and assimilation between employees regarding the SG-SST process.
  • Perform monthly audits and resolve previous implementation process findings, making sure all activities meet what's required by law.
  • Provide feedback to members in charge of the System, regarding it's weaknesses in order to design and apply the proper improvements (monitoring method).
  • Give support by validating activities and performing the required changes.
  • Provide monthly managerial progress reports.
  • Arrange once every fifteen days, follow-up and execution status consolidation meetings with the internal health and securityin the work place team.
  • Provide general documental guidelines to improve the process.
  • Under the PHVA methodology, create the procedures of the SGSST of continuous improvements.
  • Perform an analysis to measure results, as well as improvement proposals, and the custody of documents according to psychological risks.
To count with our consueling regardingpre-assessment audit, design and technical support to implement, standardize and startup the occupational health and safety management system (SG-SST), contact us at +57 1 7496888 or fill out our contact form.