Labor Administrative Law

Labor administrative processes are nothing more than a series of guidelines made to regulate the employment relation between public entities and their workers, that are tied to public function through the laws that regulate this relationship. When it comes to labor administrative law, we at Muñoz Abogados handle every labor and social security process related to public employees. We offer legal counseling in the following subjects:
- The general structure of labor administrative law.
- The structure of administrative career regulations.
- The structure of appointed official regulations.
- Public servant responsibility.
- Terms and notions.
- Legal representation throughout all the Colombian territory in proceedings before administrative authorities.
- Legal representation throughout all the Colombian territory before contentious-administrative courts.
- Legal representation and assistance in judicial and extra judicial settlements before the public prosecutor and judicial authorities.
If you need personalized legal counseling and representation in administrative labor procedures, it's essential you rely on a law firm with a highly skilled team of professionals, capable of guiding you in every step of the way. At Muñoz Abogados we offer you counseling from our highly experienced professionals, who will carefully study your case individually to achieve most favorable outcome possible.
Contact at
+57 601 7496888 or fill out our form in the
contact section.