Legal Aspects Entailed in the Colombian Medical Cannabis Industry

July 11, 2018


Many entrepreneurs and investors glimpse great business opportunities in Colombia's legal medical cannabis. They have refrained, however, from venturing into this new business area out of a lack of knowledge about the resulting legal aspects. Some have difficulties understanding the standing regulatory framework, due to the novelty of these regulations, the lack of experts in the area, the diversity of institutional actors involved (like the Ministry of Law and Justice, the Social Protection portfolio, the National Narcotics Fund, the ICA, and the INVIMA), and all the "grey areas" that are yet to be legislated.

About the Event

Muñoz Abogados is a firm with a groundbreaking record when it comes to legal matters related to Medical Cannabis in Colombia, responsible of managing and obtaining several licenses for its clients, including the first license ever granted in Colombia.

We've prepared this event to explain all the legal aspects entailed in the Colombian Medical Cannabis Industry. In an integrated manner, we will broach the four fundamental pillars an entrepreneur must take into account: the constitution/suitability of the legal person developing the activity, the completion of licenses and particular matters, market-related challenges, and the issues related to intellectual property that might be linked to the industry, such as patents, brands, plant varieties, etc.

Thematic Content

  1. From Law 30 of 1986 to the 1156 Decree of 2018. An approximation to the regulative evolution of Medical Cannabis in Colombia.

    1. Decriminalization of medical cannabis and subsequent regulation.
    2. Current regulation model. Licenses and quotes.
    3. The role of institutional actors.
    4. ICA as an essential agent to surpass the temporary barrier for seed imports.
    5. The insertion of INVIMA into the regulative framework.

  2. Advantages of a seed source-constitution and an agronomic evaluation unit.

  3. Challenges in the Colombian Medical Cannabis market.

    1. Entrance barriers to the Medical Cannabis market.
    2. The corporate scene and its impact on national economy.
    3. Costs and profitability.

  4. Intellectual Property in the Colombian Medical Cannabis Industry.

    1. Plant varieties associated to Cannabis.
    2. Usage of the Designations of Origin.
    3. Brands of products and services.
    4. Technological information in patents for the Medical Cannabis Industry.
    5. Patentability generalities.
    6. Exceptions to patentability.
    7. Product patentability and procedures linked to Medical Cannabis.


Diego Muñoz Marroquin: One of the leading experts in matters of intellectual property in Colombia. He's a lawyer with a Master's degree from the Sergio Arboleda University (Universidad Sergio Arboleda) and specialized Corporate Law studies. He's a founding partner of Muñoz Abogados.

Guillermo Andrés Navarro Romero: He's a lawyer from the Catholic University of Colombia (Universidad Católica de Colombia), a Corporate Law specialist from the Del Rosario University (Universidad del Rosario), and is currently studying an MBA at the Aden Business School. He's Muñoz Abogados' Industrial Law Department director and a member of the firm since 2006. He's an expert in the areas of intellectual property, economic and market law, and personal data protection (Habeas Data); advisor, business consultant, representative of national and international businessmen and corporations. Consultant and speaker in programs from Bogota's Chamber of Commerce, the National Federation of Coffee Growers, and Innpulsa (Heroes Fest).

Mateo Jaramillo Vernaza: Specialist in Finance Law and Telecommunications Law from the Del Rosario University (Universidad del Rosario). He's a lawyer, graduated at the University of Cauca (Universidad del Cauca) with ample experience as a consulter in matters of Civil and Corporate Law, as well as in university-level research and teaching areas. He has guided the management of the Corporative Law area of Muñoz Abogados, where he's been leading the constitution of companies geared toward Medical Cannabis and the completion of all the corresponding licenses. He's finishing studies for a Master's degree in Law at the University of Los Andes (Universidad de los Andes).

Rubiela Pacanchique: She's a lawyer, graduated at Catholic University of Colombia (Universidad Católica de Colombia), and a pharmaceutical chemist from the National University of Colombia (Universidad Nacional de Colombia), where she's currently finishing her studies for a Master's degree in Bioscience and Law. She's Muñoz Abogados' Innovation Coordinator. In the course of over four years, she worked as a patent examiner at the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) of Colombia.

Camilo Cortés: He is a lawyer from the Free University of Colombia (Universidad Libre de Colombia), he is a specialist in International Business Law from the University of Los Andes (Universidad de los Andes) and has complementary studies in Anti-trust Law from the Externado University of Colombia (Universidad Externado de Colombia). Camilo leads the Anti-trust and Consumer Law Department counseling national and international companies in processes related to unfair competition, Trademark infractions and consumer protection.

Alejandro Ferrer: He's a lawyer from the Rosario University (Colegio Mayor de Nuestra señora del Rosario). He's been working on the area of medical cannabis since the establishment of the new regulatory framework, helping our clients obtain their corresponding licenses in the process. He started his career working on Muñoz Abogados' Distinctive Signs department and is currently working at the firm's Corporate Law department.


Thursday, August 23 of 2018. From 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Place and Address:

Club del Comercio de Bogotá. Cl. 62 #5-88, Bogotá, Colombia